Lawn & Turf Show

Focus on information and training

With the Lawn & Turf Show, demopark 2025 will once again present exciting topics on the care and quality assurance of lawns. The latest findings from research and practical solutions will be presented to visitors in the tried-and-tested form as demonstrations on the turf demo area and as poster presentations in the turf expertise tent.

Key topics in 2025:

  •     Seed mixes and ready turfs for high-wearing lawns
  •     Sprinkler and subsurface irrigation systems for lawns
  •     Digital lawn monitoring systems
  •     Extensification of mowing regimes and the implications for aesthetics and use

Information and demonstrations
Under the auspices of the German Turfgrass Society (DRG), current research focal points on turf at German universities will be presented. The poster exhibition will also provide trade visitors with concise information on other topics such as sustainable turf care, climate-adapted turf mixtures, digital turf monitoring and quality management in football turf. In addition, the poster authors and other DRG members will be available for professional dialogue on all days.

This year, the demonstrations on the turf demo area will focus on topics such as above and below ground water supply, long grass cutting and fauna-friendly mowing. The professionally moderated presentations guarantee real added value for the participants.

Species, varieties and mixtures
In the run-up to demopark 2025, parts of the lawn area were remodelled. The trials from previous years were milled off, soil material was applied and new demonstration areas were created. Once again this year, the special turf show will focus on the varieties of the most important grass species that have been approved and tested for turf use by the Federal Plant Variety Office. For example, visitors can expect to see a diverse range of ryegrasses, meadow grasses and various types of fescue.

Utility turf in different fertiliser levels
An absolute novelty is a trial with various mixtures of RSM type 2 ‘Utility turf’. Here, visitors can get an idea of the turf aspects between the mixtures and also depending on the nitrogen supply.

RSM Regio in a multi-year trial
Since 2020, the use of native plants in the wild has been mandatory for all participants under the Federal Nature Conservation Act. Some of the areas sown with different ‘Regio seeds’ at the special grass show in 2013 demonstrate their genetic performance and the sometimes astonishing characteristics of succession.

Greenkeeper Meeting Point

Throughout the exhibition, the stand of the Greenkeeper Verband Deutschland e.V. (GVD) is the meeting point for greenkeepers of sports facilities and golf courses, but also for visitors from the municipal sector.

Here, current developments in course maintenance will be presented and tried-and-tested experiences will be exchanged.